
Tuesday 23 January 2018

Units of computer memory measurement..HIGHEST MEMORY TO STORE DATA

Memory to store Data in computer

1Bit=Binary Digit

4 Bits=1 Nibble

8 Bits= 1 Byte

1024 Bytes= 1Kilo Byte(KB)

1024 KB=  1 Mega Byte(MB)

1024 MB= 1 Giga Byte(GB)

1024 GB= 1 Tera Byte(TB)

1024 TB= 1 Peta Byte(PB)

1024 PB= 1 Exa Byte(EB)

1024 EB= 1 Zetta Byte(ZB)

1024 ZB= 1Yotta Byte(YB)

1024 YB= 1 Bronto Byte(BB)

1024BB= 1Geop Byte(GB)

Till Now Geop Byte is the highest memory to store data.

Aftet this there is one question for you can you answer that......
How many Giga Byte are there in 1Geop Byte??

Answer in comment box.....

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